Furniture Visualization App

Develop/create an app which allows a user to overlay a piece of home furnishing in their location in real time. For example a towel rack on Amazon which is displayed on the screen of a smart phone, the phone uses the camera to display the room/environment/wall/vanity on the screen, and the towel rack is overlayed onto the image in real time. A couch could be overlayed to see how it would look with the other furniture, where it will be placed. The user could move the phone around to see how the item would look in different locations.

- Mark Abramovich

House Staging Equipment Company

Start a house staging equipment company. Store the furniture, deliver it, remove it, and clean it. Sell the items and buy new ones to keep the look different. Negotiate a deal with a used furniture store to "borrow" their stock. Partner up with multiple real estate agents/interior designers to have a steady stream of work.

- Mark Abramovich

Job Swap

A service/app/website connecting people with similar jobs/professions who would like to swap. For example a mechanical engineer living in New York City who commutes to Philadelphia, and a mechanical engineer in Philadelphia who commutes to New York City. Other factors such as experience, salary, expertise would be part of the variables to be matched up, but this would allow people to retain their jobs while improving their quality of life.

This could even be a TV show..."Job Swap, be the boss for a day"

- Greg Hecker

Foosball Players

Design, manufacture, and sell unique/custom foosball table player men. These could be unique shapes, unique colors, unique themes.

Navigation with Personality

A GPS navigation system/program with personality. The personalities can be funny, sarcastic, positive, upbeat, etc. This can be how they say the directions, comments they make about the directions given, comments about the route, etc.

- Greg Hecker

Import/Export New Products

Setup a business importing and/or exporting a product which is standard use in one country, but is unknown in a different country. Just because everyone knows about something in one place doesn't mean everyone knows about it in another. Look around at the everyday objects people use where you live, and find out if people in other countries know about them, and vice versa.

- Mark Abramovich

Baby Stroller "Monster Tires"

Large/"monster" wheels which clamp/mount onto a baby stroller's small wheels. Large wheels handle snow and slush better than small wheels. This could be for handling slush and snow better, or for show and catching attention.

- Mark Abramovich

Visor Clip-On See-Through Display

A see-through clip-on display which clips onto a car visor and hangs down in front of the driver. The display may be touch activated. Displayed on this display may be augmented reality information: GPS, gauges, points of interest.

- Greg Hecker

Wake-Up Alarm App with Variance

A wake-up alarm app which allows for a single day variance. For example my phone's alarm app has a recurring alarm feature, but it doesn't allow me to set one day differently. Let's say tomorrow only...I need to wake up at a different time, my app does not allow this. I need to either change the entire series, or turn off the repeating alarm and set a single alarm just for that one day. It would be useful to be able to go in and set just tomorrow's wake-up for a different time.

- Mark Abramovich

Navigation by Lane

A driving directions program/app which shows not only the road, but the lane, to take.

- Greg Hecker

Window/Roof Mounted Stirling Engine

A Stirling engine, powered by the heat difference between the inside and outside of a house. In the winter the house is warmer than the outside, in the summer the outside is warmer when the A/C is operating inside, at all times the air under the roof is hotter...regardless there is always a difference. A Stirling engine would convert this temperature difference into an electrical charge. Like with solar panels this charge can be stored in batteries, or fed into the grid.

- Mark Abramovich