Back Yard Amusement Park

Set up a bunch of bouncy houses and children's play sets in your back yard, and charge an admission fee. This may require insurance and/or permits.

- Mark Abramovich

Car Rental by Teleconference

Replace staff with, or add teleconference kiosks at car rental counters. Have a staff of two to three people at a location to receive a car, detail the car, and assist in case of technical difficulties, but have the actual rental be done over a teleconference screen, with an actual person. All the clerks can be at a central call-in center on a rotating shift, and the queue is fed from all the locations globally. During a lull in one rental location the clerks can help in busy locations, this way the wait time is per customer as opposed to by location and its peak times.

- Mark Abramovich

Progressive Ring Tone

A text notification sound, or ring tone, which progresses through a selected song. The user selects a song, and how many notes will be played, and each time a text message comes in it plays the next notes in the song. Many text messages in succession would combine into the tune. This way the tones do not get boring, and it's more interesting for the user.

- Greg Hecker

One-handed Operation Micro USB Connector

A micro USB connector intended for one-handed operation. Most micro USB connectors have so much friction, or such a rigid snap, that they require two hands to plug and unplug. Create a micro USB connector intended for one-handed use, either because the person's second hand is occupied, or because the person doesn't have one

- Mark Abramovich

Food Delivery Service

Start a food delivery service for restaurants in an area where restaurants don't typically deliver. A kind of food car service, a food Uber. Restaurants could notify drivers about pickups; when and well as where the food is to be delivered. Range can be a predetermined distance, regarding which the restaurant would notify the customer. Delivery payment could be a fee passed on directly to the customer, or the restaurant could pay the fee while dictating a minimum order for delivery. This way restaurants don't need to have a dedicated delivery staff, while local area residents, if they are willing to pay, can enjoy delivery service straight to their home. An existing taxi/car service could have their drivers doing this in between passenger rides.

- Mark Abramovich

Plug-in Inhaler

A plug-in inhaler, like the outlet plug-in air fresheners. A medicinal, breathing improving, plug-in charged with something like eucalyptus oil. The plug-in would help with snoring the way a nose strip does, or congestion the way Nyquil's Vaporub does.

- Mark Abramovich

Put Together a Deal

Put together a real estate/investment deal. You don't need money. You figure out what business/building would be a great investment with a great financial return; a parking lot next to an airport, a seasonal ice cream stand next to a park, a 24 hour deli next to a college dormitory. Put together the proposal with the investment and return calculations. Find and approach the land owner, the investor, the operator and put them together. For putting the deal together you earn whatever fee/salary/percentage you negotiate for yourself.

- Mark Abramovich

Crowd Funded Expedition

Go on a crowd funded expedition, regularly uploading/posting photos, videos, and journal entries so that the sponsors could go on this expedition vicariously through you. Figure out an expedition you would like to go on, figure out the costs, figure out the equipment, plan all of the details, and propose this on a site like People may want to pay to see it happen because they themselves might never have the chance to do it in their lives.

- Mark Abramovich

GPS Routes by Monetary Value

Create an app which calculates the best route according to dollar cost. Some routes have higher tolls than others, while at the same time they might be significantly faster. Sometimes a free route might be slower by only a few minutes, and may be the preferred option. It would be good if the app gave the user the ability to enter their personal dollar value so that it could be calculated in relation to time and tolls

- Greg Hecker
- Mark Abramovich

Spot the Car

Create a game app to have fun with kids and/or friends during a drive. Every few minutes the app displays a picture of a car, with its make and model, and the objective is to spot it on the road.

- Greg Hecker

Visual Inspection Service

Purchase an infrared camera, and offer a visual inspection service. No in-depth inspections requiring licensing, no formal reports. Just a quick, inexpensive, "look" through walls to discover if there are any issues requiring a more in-depth inspection.

- Mark Abramovich

Laser Tag out of a Van

Mobile laser tag game. The equipment is loaded into a car or van, and brought to a location such as a park, school, backyard, etc. for play. The e-mail and phone for scheduling can be answered by a virtual assistant. Payment is collected digitally. An employee/independent contractor brings the equipment and runs the game for a salary/fee.

- Mark Abramovich

Vending Machines in Appartment Buildings

Install vending machines in the lobbies of apartment buildings. Have a way for tenants to let you know which items they would like to be stocked.

- Mark Abramovich

Website/Service to Match Restaurants with "Seat Fillers"

Create a website/service where restaurants can hire "extras" to fill empty seats, to make the restaurant appear busy. The fee can be monetary, or food. The service can be just to sit there, or to dine and then leave an honest review.

- Mark Abramovich

Restaurant with Babysitting Services

Open a restaurant with a dedicated supervised kids' play area. Not a kids' restaurant, but a restaurant for parents where parents can go for a meal when they have no one to leave their child with. This could be just a play area with supervision, or a play area with dining for the children as well.

- Mark Abramovich

Ideas Page

Make a web page/site for posting business/product/service ideas. People can use them, and pay royalties for them. Collect data for which ideas are used, which are most popular, which are most effective.

- Mark Abramovich

Time Shared First Class

Fragmented First Class/First Class Time Share on a plane. A bed and one/many regular seat, time share on a plane so that a few passengers could have a nap in a bed on a long flight. For example four passengers using this on an eight hour flight by purchasing three economy seats and one in business class. Each person would have a two hour window for a nap.

- Mark Abramovich

Awards App

Create an app where people can award points/medals/decorations to other people for the heroic/kind/good deeds they witness them doing.

- Mark Abramovich

Arbitration Mediation Company

Start a non-binding arbitration company. Help people settle disputes through an impartial, unbiased mediator.

- Mark Abramovich

Custom Play Set Instructions

Create instructions for putting together a play set out of parts available from a local hardware supplier such as a fencing company, Home Depot, or Lowe's. Sell the instructions and/or the parts list

- Mark Abramovich

Better Instructions for Backyard Play Sets

Seemingly a common complaint for children's play sets is that they have poor assembly instructions. Create your own, better set of instructions for assembling a play set. Sell the instructions. To avoid paying for multiple play sets just to make the instructions offer free, or reduced cost, assembly services to get access to other people's play sets.

- Mark Abramovich

Custom Nose Piece for Glasses

Everyone has a differently shaped face, and nose. Create a service to mold/measure/scan a person's nose and manufacture a custom nose piece, or nose pads for their glasses.

- Mark Abramovich